Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cold Feet Or A Midsummer Nights Dream

As boring and old age pensioner as this sounds I hate getting cold feet. Though what I loath more are people who say that winter is better than summer because you apparently can get warm easier than you can cool off, therefore making Winter the best time of year, apparently. Well perhaps they would like me to slip my freezing cold feet up their arse this winter. I lay in my bed, fully clothed by 2 sets, flannelet sheets, doona and quilt, electric blanket, sox, a 37 year old man and sometimes my dressing gown and still it can take me ages to go to sleep as my feet are literally frozen.
So those who love Winter why the fuck are their so many more interesting things to do in summer than there are in Winter huh? Outdoor movies, outdoor sports, outdoor dining, outdoor anything, late night dips and the sweet smell of a big southerly buster to cool off. Frankly it is a fact that more people die in Winter than they do in Summer and that is all I need to convince myself I am not the crazy one. I also only need to look to Shakespeare, he didn't write A Midsummer Nights Dream only to be changed to A Mid Winter Nights Nightmare In Cold Feet Fucking Hell did he? I rest my case.
P.S. And no skiing does not count as "Winter Fun" moreover it is worse than cold feet, you slide around, get drenched and fall on your arse all whilst freezing to fucken death, oh yes that sounds like fun.

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