Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The 80's Are Back

Oh yes they are! The 80's that is and I am going back there myself on Saturday night. I will write more when I have time suffice to say I am apart of the new exhibition which opens this Saturday night at the Powerhouse Museum titled "Back to the 80's or something like that. Of course I was interviewed for the sub-culture section of the exhibit under the heading of Goth. What I should have been under the heading of was young, silly and unable to maintain a decent hairstyle and due to being the town freak had to avoid being piffed with oranges. Still I am most interested to see how my interview came out and if it is crap then I will have to spend the next year camped outside the Museum lest anyone I know should see the bloody thing. In the meantime I am giving you all a heads up - there are some pretty fantastic early photos of me circa 80's which may be on display so get in early and check them out. Okay I will enlighten you all soon with more 80's antics and the stories of the big opening night where in my current state let's just say more than one person will be enjoying Pseudo Echo other than me in a most fat manner.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

For Some Reason?

I have written a number of blog posts via my word program and now I can't transfer them across. So the last post came up with nothing. Stay tuned I will have it sorted and there will be lots of fun new posts. I hope.

Depeche Mode - Concert Review 2 - August 17th