Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Foetal Position

Last week I was at the birth of my friends baby. A water birth at that! This is not the first time I have been on the other side of the fence. My sister Jodie, not me in the third person, Jodie I am so pretty, I am an air hostess Jodie, well I also went to the birth of her second spawn. So the difference with this birth was the fact that I was able to experience it from the first contraction through to the all encompassing screaming fest which is pushing the baby out. Unlike Jodie who still looked like a supermodel after only spending 2 hours from zero to baby, yes she is a total bitch and I hate her, this birth was a little more full on.

Another dear friend Simone has made it clear to me on a number of occasions that she feels that the business of natural birthing is barbaric and unnecessary and as she had a wonderful Cesarean she is totally against pain when you don't really need to go through it. Too posh to push so to speak. I have to say I am still not an advocate for the old "quarter chicken and chips" that is where they cut you open like a chook to get the stuffing out. Although I am starting to think that well I guess it is an option for the piss weak. All the women who were present at the birth, myself, Jodie and Mandy the poor dear who was screaming for her dear life to end had all had two children. Well actually Mandy was giving birth to her second child at that very moment, so between us we had some experience.

Jodie and I did all we could during the contractions to ease Mandy's pain, rubbed her back, feet, and body, held hot compress to her belly and generally stayed positive. When her waters broke and it was serious "game on" we filled up the bath and prepared for the 1960's water birth minus the dead kid at the end. I have to say that Jodie and I know the type of screams that means that the baby is imminent and about an hour before "those" screams came we kept saying to Mandy, "sorry girlfriend you just ain't going to have him right now" How true that was. So by the time we got down to the business end of the evenings proceedings Mandy was screaming like all holy hell and I felt every fucken inch of what she was going through.

When she couldn't catch her breath in between pushing and contractions I almost burst into tears, but then we should have all enrolled in the "breathing in birth" classes lest it may have helped, umm not! And then there he was and the pain was over. Birthing is an amazing thing and for me after spending a million years on the latest diet, going to the gym and pretty much loathing my body after watching it do what it is meant to do it leaves me wondering why I worried so much about it. Still those screams left me in the foetal position. So no Miss Scarlett, I ain't birthin no babies.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Labour - Birthing Not Christina

I know I have been slack with my blog, and I know how you all sit by your little nerd boxes checking in anticipation for a post but things have been crazy. So stay tuned I am writing all about the business of birthing, I know you are so excited you might just stop watching repeat episodes of Knightrider. So stay tuned.


Yes that is what the NSW labour Party has just been served, a lovely hot dish of annihilation. So fuck off you bunch of blood sucking thieves and thank fuck I don't have to sell my house in Sydney lest the people of NSW be rooted up the arse another day longer by them. Oh and this isn't an anti Labour rant it is merely a fact, bleed people dry and they tend to get the shits its just a tip.

Last Chance

Tomorrow is your last chance to see me at a Museum, that is before they show my sad old carcase as a dinosaur in the years to come. Yes that is right the 80's are back is literally going back, into the box as it were. So if you are in Sydney, grab your gel, frizz your hair, throw on your Doctor Marten's Boots and go and see what life was kind of like in the 80's at the Powerhouse Museum. Because if you don't then after tomorrow you will just have to accept as I do that it is now 2011. But on a serious note it has indeed been an honour to be involved in the exhibition and it has opened a lot of doors for me and also made me realise that despite everything when I saw a door closing in front of me I always managed to slip in through the back one and make my life as fantastic as I possibly can.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tammy - James Blunt and Those Boobarama's

Tammy interviewed James Blunt. Yawn! But the saving grace was the fact that she looked boob o lishous. Yet Again! I mean if this keeps up that marriage proposal from Demis Roussos is as good as mailed. For more info on what we do here you are boobs and all.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I Was Wrong - I Still Love You Ignatius!

I was wrong, and as usual I am happy to admit it. The Mardi Gras parade as viewed by my good self via the wonders of cable TV last night proved that perhaps there maybe just maybe is a chance the gay community may revive itself from its ten to fifteen year hiatus. I am not sure if it was merely the telecast that made it look good or the fact that perhaps it was good but something has shifted and thank fuck for that. The parade was once a political hot topic with a message of equality, love and a certain slant on naughtiness and last night the community dipped its toes back into a very large pool of clever ideas. I only hope it continues because for once it made me want to be there, something I have not felt for a very very long time. So Ignatius you did it my love and whilst I doubted you for a mere moment I never stopped loving you and your message, "I'm not like everybody else" and once again, Thank Fuck For That!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Happy Mardi Gras

Sort of goes without saying but then in 2011 it is all about being as beige as possible and no doubt tonight will deliver that in spades.