Friday, May 14, 2010

All Those Years Ago!

With my birthday fast approaching, and with me constantly forgetting because I am getting too old to remember that its about to happen I have spent some time tonight reflecting on what was. Here I am in the above picture, I think I am about, what 17, and that is 21 years ago. The first thing that struck me was the thought of actually going out to a nightclub which now makes me want to gag. I mean I will be well tucked up in bed at about the same time that I would have been heading out the door all those years ago. I also noticed how well polished my Dr. Martins were, not surprising since they meant so much to me given the fact that I had no fucking money and had saved like a bastard to buy them. So here I am in my 20c St Vinnie's outfit, fishnets, and my oh so prized shoes which had I have been smarter I would have realised they were in fact workman's boots not stylish men attractors but then high heels "dominated" my life a few years later. The other interesting thing about this photo is the lounge, which I only just lifted my arse off a few minutes ago and lives in my house to this day looking as good as it ever did.
I would like to say that I had big hopes for my future in this photo, but I didn't. I pretty much thought I was nothing, a nobody and without a future other than factory work, at best. It is amazing how those around you can make you feel so much less than what you actually are or who you will eventually become. Perhaps it is those challenges that make you stronger, I am yet to be convinced though. If the girl on the lounge in this photo met the woman I have become I dare say she would be shocked, if not for the fact that there would not be a Dr. Martin in any part of her wardrobe and going out at night is usually only to put out the garbage.

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