Thursday, April 21, 2011


Poor Bob they are now flocking tickets to his show for the old Two For One deal, BOGOF, which is pretty hilarious, Bob Geldof as a BOGOF!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck me I can't stop laughing, BOGOF, never a better term has been uttered and never a better term that so suits his name... So chaps By One Get One Free. Now I just might take him up on that offer.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bob's Back Baby! - Rock And Rebuild Concert!

It should go without saying but due to the recent "sell out" performance by Bob Geldof at Star City Casino he is going to back it up with another show on the 1st May. Only this time he is not going to do it alone, no no no he is in fact going to tread the boards with the likes of Jon Stevens and Danielle Spencer, if you don't mind. Tickets are cheap, $150 and all money raised will be going to the Australian Red Cross to assist in the recent events such as floods, earth quakes and other disasters in the pacific region. Will I be going, umm possibly alone at this price and also I will probably not be around. Sorry Bob I have never missed you in Sydney but this could be a first, frankly I don't want to share you. We will see though, we will see.

Monday, April 18, 2011

One Day I Woke Up And Looked Like Col Gaddafi

I recently watched a documentary all about the removal of hair, from ones head, face, back, bum, legs, underarms and the list is endless pretty much everywhere. I know I enjoy quality television what can I say. Whilst watching it I thought well this doesn't really apply to me. Turns out it does, turns out the more I watched the more I thought how utterly ridiculous the human race really is about such nonsense. Though I thought I would impart on the young ladies some practical advice. The day you turn 30 you will wake up, look in the mirror and over night you have turned into Col Gaddafi. Facial hair my loves, facial hair so put down that Cosmo quiz and get fucking worried and shares in Remington because you will need it. Here I am before going out to dinner on Saturday night, grimacing because I just had to have a shave since I was going out after 5pm, nothing like a ginger shadow to ruin your evening out. Read it and weep ladies, read it and weep!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Scary But Nobody Cares!

(Above: Me, shitting myself, at the Vatican - Roma! - Just so you can see what scared looks like. Of course I wasn't scared until I looked down from the top of the dome of the Basilica turns out its fucken higher than I anticipated)
This time last year I was sitting watching television when I put my hand up to my neck for a moment. It was then that I realised that I had a honking huge lump in my neck. Two in fact. Fuck this can't be good I thought. Perhaps it could be hormones?, umm no, perhaps you idiot it will be cancer. I sat literally thinking, fucken hell how didn't I feel this before. So I called my GP explained the situation and "Come straight in " was her reply. Hoping for a friendly face and a yes its only your glands and go home explanation I was struck as she said. "Yes more tests for you and no I have no idea what it is" Oh Fuck this can't be good. I didn't hang about and got more blood tests. The next step was an ultrasound. I went in hoping again to have a friendly face tell me it would all be okay. How about no. How about yes we can do an ultrasound but if you have cancer we won't be able to tell and we will have to do a nuclear scan. Great. So ultrasound done and yes they couldn't tell what it was, next step, nuclear. So off I trot to find out the real deal. I was warned that if they suspected cancer they would biopsy on the spot. Yay!. So I layed on the table with the scanning machine hanging over me like the proverbial dark cloud. Oh Fuck this can't be good. After the scan I sat in the waiting room, shaking. I am too young for this, yes I know I say I have had a great run but I am not in the mood for this right now. They call me in. You are okay, no cancer came the stone cold reply. Oh Fuck that is good. So I came home to a teary best friend Jodie who was here to greet me good or indifferent. We did some crying and I breathed a sigh of relive. I won't forget this experience it scared the shit out of me. Perhaps one day I will experience it again, perhaps not. I take advantage of each day and I know that I did before this happened but it just shows me yet again that if you don't then something can always come along and bite you on the arse.

P.S The Title refers to an advertisement from the 1980's watch it and weep.