Sunday, May 23, 2010

Oh Mattia!

Last night Mattia rode at Le Mans in the next round of the Moto 2. So I set myself up ready to watch him and was initially disappointed that he started 31st on the grid. Still not one to be deterred I thought well yes it would take a miracle to get a place, but he can do it. But oh no, poor Mattia ended up as he has done for a few of the past races sliding through the gravel on his arse. I was impressed that he got up and hugged the Japanese rider that he also took with him on his bum slide, but seriously Mattia, I am losing hope stop sliding on your bum and start winning k. Still I can't complain since the TV coverage did show him dusting himself off and hugging other said rider so all was not lost.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Good Bye Carmen

Yesterday my good friends mother died. Carmen was a little Chilean woman who always welcomed me into her big rather loud Spanish home with love and affection. She always treated me in later years like I was the prized daughter who was returning from far off distant lands of opportunity looking like a movie star that just rolled in to say a quick hello then would be off again to some fabulous place far removed from who I once was. I loved that she thought I had become someone special and I dare not tell her that in fact I was still the same Jodie just a little older, wiser and with better clothes and a car. Carmen's command of English was something she never really came to terms with no matter how long she lived in Australia and last night whilst visiting my friend to grieve her mother I reminded her of a classic Carmen faux par. Once whilst visiting her she told me about how she had been on a picnic to a fantastic beach that she was taken with. Oh she said it is called Avocado beach. I looked at her and asked where is this Avocado beach I have never heard of it, and she told me the location and I thought erm yes I think you are referring to Avoca Beach. I never corrected her about it because it was cuter to hear someone refer to it as Avocado Beach. She was also famous for asking us if we wanted any Melon Water, we would all just nod yes having no idea what she was about to serve us only to be relived when she would come out with watermelon. She was the matriarch of a very large brood of girls and I always admired that despite the fact she was ditsy and almost burnt the house to the ground one night because she left an electric blanket switched on draped over the leather lounge which caught fire she had managed to raise a lot of children, who were decent respectable people. I will miss Carmen she was a lovely woman who deserves to be home where she felt at peace. She left Australia for a holiday a few weeks ago in her home town in Chile and it is there that today she will be laid to rest. Goodbye Carmen I will miss you.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Me As Ziggy Twice!

Of course the genius of Mr. Stuart Garske is how I managed to pay homage to Ziggy Stardust in my own back yard. Yes he did the makeup, direction, photography and diva dealings on a photo shoot at my house. I love this photo, and yes it is me the one and only Jodie Coyote. If you want to find out more about the wonderful and talented work of Stuart then go to his website listed below though this photo speaks volumes for his genius not to mention how big my lips look, fabby huh? almost makes me want to go and stick a honkin huge needle in me face - erm how bout no.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Cute Boy Across The Road

Yes I have a cute boy that lives across the road from me. Thank God because life would be boring if it weren't for things like this. As far as I'm aware he has lived over the road for a while and for that while I have enjoyed seeing him come and go. If I were younger and without responsibility I might just whistle at him from my vantage point of the front veranda but alas I am content to admire him as he walks to and from work and has jaunts to the local milk bar for cheap toilet paper. All I know of him is that he probably plays in a band at the weekends as he sometimes walks up the road on a Friday night with his guitar slung over his shoulder, very cute, and does not return till the dark hours of the morning and is privvy to using nasty no name tp. Of course the mystery like most things would be crushed if I found out he plays banjo for the local RSL band or worse the police marching band. So for the meantime he is my afternoon delight minus all the delight and despite the fact that I would rather die than use cheap toilet paper I am willing to overlook this terrible flaw if only to admire from a distance. Hallelujah to clear windows and going to get the mail!!!!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Rarely do I meet anyone under the age of 40 who I think has any degree of maturity and then even most of them are retards in this area in one way or another. In fact it is a word that doesn't exactly conjure up images of Gen Y at all, in fact Gen X ain't far beyond them either, and don't get me started on the Baby Boomers. When I was growing up people older than me were most often than not my friends and they were forever telling me how mature I was for my age. Of course when you are going to hit 38 nobody says you are mature for your age anymore unless they are referring to the way you look in which case you would probably dislike them very much. So I am glad that I am finally getting older in my calender age in order to reflect how I have often felt in terms of my maturity and that is somewhere around 50. It isn't that I don't feel young, I do, but I've always had a level head and made sound decisions even if some of them were not exactly wise they were never particularly stupid and immature and certainly none of them made me hope that one day I would be mature.
Which brings me to my point being my friendship with a young 22 year old who is actually mature and not like her contemporaries in the Gen Y world. It is refreshing to meet a young person who is not texting whilst talking to you at the same time and who understands that music did not begin with Usher and end with 50c. She writes a blog which I will post a link to and I hope she keeps writing because it is cathartic and perhaps some of my more mature minded and aged readers can share their thoughts with her.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cold Feet Or A Midsummer Nights Dream

As boring and old age pensioner as this sounds I hate getting cold feet. Though what I loath more are people who say that winter is better than summer because you apparently can get warm easier than you can cool off, therefore making Winter the best time of year, apparently. Well perhaps they would like me to slip my freezing cold feet up their arse this winter. I lay in my bed, fully clothed by 2 sets, flannelet sheets, doona and quilt, electric blanket, sox, a 37 year old man and sometimes my dressing gown and still it can take me ages to go to sleep as my feet are literally frozen.
So those who love Winter why the fuck are their so many more interesting things to do in summer than there are in Winter huh? Outdoor movies, outdoor sports, outdoor dining, outdoor anything, late night dips and the sweet smell of a big southerly buster to cool off. Frankly it is a fact that more people die in Winter than they do in Summer and that is all I need to convince myself I am not the crazy one. I also only need to look to Shakespeare, he didn't write A Midsummer Nights Dream only to be changed to A Mid Winter Nights Nightmare In Cold Feet Fucking Hell did he? I rest my case.
P.S. And no skiing does not count as "Winter Fun" moreover it is worse than cold feet, you slide around, get drenched and fall on your arse all whilst freezing to fucken death, oh yes that sounds like fun.

Friday, May 14, 2010

All Those Years Ago!

With my birthday fast approaching, and with me constantly forgetting because I am getting too old to remember that its about to happen I have spent some time tonight reflecting on what was. Here I am in the above picture, I think I am about, what 17, and that is 21 years ago. The first thing that struck me was the thought of actually going out to a nightclub which now makes me want to gag. I mean I will be well tucked up in bed at about the same time that I would have been heading out the door all those years ago. I also noticed how well polished my Dr. Martins were, not surprising since they meant so much to me given the fact that I had no fucking money and had saved like a bastard to buy them. So here I am in my 20c St Vinnie's outfit, fishnets, and my oh so prized shoes which had I have been smarter I would have realised they were in fact workman's boots not stylish men attractors but then high heels "dominated" my life a few years later. The other interesting thing about this photo is the lounge, which I only just lifted my arse off a few minutes ago and lives in my house to this day looking as good as it ever did.
I would like to say that I had big hopes for my future in this photo, but I didn't. I pretty much thought I was nothing, a nobody and without a future other than factory work, at best. It is amazing how those around you can make you feel so much less than what you actually are or who you will eventually become. Perhaps it is those challenges that make you stronger, I am yet to be convinced though. If the girl on the lounge in this photo met the woman I have become I dare say she would be shocked, if not for the fact that there would not be a Dr. Martin in any part of her wardrobe and going out at night is usually only to put out the garbage.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Want More Life - Fucker!

Oh yes my favorite movie of all time - Bladerunner. Recently when I was in LA my friend Marky took me on an all expenses paid trip - free - to all the best locations where the movie had been filmed. The above picture is the fabulous tunnel which appears in the movie as Deckard is driving through on his way to the equally fantastic Bradbury Building which we also visited.
As with my second favorite film "The Warriors" I was impressed at how much the original location looked despite untouched film magic it really was as if we were actually living it. Of course if you put these locations in Japan and turned on a sprinkler and a smoke machine - bang you would be living the Bladerunner fantasy.
I will endeavour to put up the other photos but suffice to say I loved it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The 80's Are Back!

I have wanted to post some pictures for a long time and was having issues - now I'm not so expect a flood. This photo was taken in December last year 2009 at the 80's are back exhibition opening night at the Powerhouse Museum. Of course Stuart and I were the best dressed at the party and morphed back to the 80's with ease. Funnily enough we had been in a rush to put the finishing touches on our look and didn't get a photo of ourselves before we left the house. Luckily a Gen Y at the party was running about taking photos for Twitter and got this great shot of us looking very Sigue Sigue Sputnik - shot it up baby!

Oh Mattia!!!

Here is a picture of my Mattia - love those white pants my love. I know, I know he is a baby with perfect eyebrows and probably weighs less than my left leg but boy can he ride a bike. Yes I could snap him like a twig between my thighs but I think that is the point right?

Lara Who Is Blue!

I think if I hear one more story about Lara Bingle I am going to scream in fact I will scream so loud they will hear me on the moon or at least in Russia. Frankly we are all aware that she is a nobody but be that as it may she still managed to get onto the news yet again tonight despite the fact she dumped poor old Maxxy Markson today - umm who is kidding who on that front good work Max you publicity guru you. So tonight we were told she is telling anyone who cares, and that appears to be the general public, that she only has three friends and is lonely after breaking up with her boyfriend. Well my dear all I can say is boo fucking who. Frankly who hasn't been lonely at least once and if you have a face and an arse as pretty as ye olde Bingle then you really have nothing to complain about. If you can't get out and get yourself a few more friends and a new BF as they say then running to the six o'clock news ain't going to get you friends. Paying for a few might though. I am always horrified at how non news worthy stories get to air. Of course channel 9 then backed up the Bingle story with the fact that Bono is turning 50 today. Now I am a massive Bono fan but him turning 50 and Lara only having 3 friends does not news make.
So in honour of what news should be I hope the Gen Y's at channel 9 can be called upon to see what happened in 1985 when Bob Geldof turned on the "news" and saw what was happening in Ethopia and tried to do something to help. It gave U2 their finest moment, bad leather pants and all. So if you have never seen this concert footage imagine how amazing it was in 1985 and how it impressed upon me the importance of what "real" news reporting can and should be about how a news story changed the world in 1985 though regrettably not forever. So Bingle join RSVP and Channel 9 think about what is really important in news reporting.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ciao Magazine

I was recently interviewed for "Ciao" magazine. The interviewer was not particularly good and I had to really struggle to get what avenue she was taking the story in. Turns out a "swinging" direction. Although the swingers article is boxed in the middle of the "goth" article it is rather disconcerting. Oh well such is life. As for kids being vampires as if I would know I haven't been out of the house after 6pm for years let alone in the middle of the night. So my take on being a teenage vampire is slightly skewed since I have absolutely no fucking idea. Still parents would not be thrilled by their kiddies taking on this subculture and as for that I guess it is interesting, still so is sitting in a "huge jacuzzi" at the "lotus club" apparently!!!!!! Eeekkkkk

Suddenly 38!

Firstly let me apologise for my last post - "Get Thee To A Nunnery" I was in fact testing my blog and accidentally posted it - it meant nothing it wasn't a cryptic crossword on my count it was merely me trying to work out how to add a web address or photo as I was able to do it easily and then it all got too difficult so please just disregard it as codswallop.
So I am going to be 38 in a few weeks. I feel as though I am finally catching up to the way I have always felt in my mind, more mature than my actual age. Last night I caught a little of the movie, Suddenly 30. It got me to thinking about what I would change if I were to go back to when I was 13 years old and it was an easy answer - nothing. Of course I would buy shares in Microsoft, patent the name Goggle and start working on big selling ideas like children's themed birthday parties, and heaven forbid "scrap booking" but mostly I guess I would try and buy up most of Sydney's real estate because that is where the money would be.
Still when it comes to who I was and am personally I wouldn't want to change anything even if I was given the chance. Of course I may want to have the odd kissy poo with a few boys that I missed out on but then would they be privy to that anyway since they weren't the first time around? Who knows but it would be extreme fun to go back with knowledge and the wisdom of maturity and know that no matter the mistakes you were making it would all work out okay in the end.
Still if when I was 13 and was told that I would end up marring "that" guy from school I feel sure I would have died of heart failure and screamed - "What I am not going to marry Dave Gahan get outta here!"
So 38 here I come, I'm not afraid because I have already learnt so much and feel the future is bright - perhaps I should get some shades!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Mattia Pasini

I love Mattia Pasini - if you don't know who he is then you should tune in next to the 250cc Moto GP and see my boy ride. He is an Italian Stallion with some serious horse power between his legs. I have been following him for a few seasons and whilst he ain't no Valentino just yet he is trying hard, although today he Spain he had to return to the pits with what I guess is bike trouble. I hope his season gets better mainly so I can see him on the podium as without a place he doesn't tend to get a lot of attention therefore I don't get to see his lovely face. So go Mattia Go!