Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spew - Vomit - Puke - Oh God Kill Me Now!

I should never have said I was going to post everyday. If I had of just said every second day perhaps I would not have fallen prey to the most hideous ailment known to human kind. Food Poisoning. It is worse than listening to Poison itself because seriously "Ain't Lookin for nothing but a good time" on continuous playback seems like a great idea compared to two days with your head in the toilet. Or maybe not. Still that is what I have been doing for two days - riding the porcelain bus. Thank god that I was doing it within the comfort of my own home, with my own GP on hand to doss out the big needle into my arm and my own husband to come on the porcelain bus ride with me. God love him. We have both endured this kind of spew torture in far away and exotic locations and believe me it is less fun when you have no idea how to say "help" in the correct language and even worse "Doctor". So being at home was definitely the lesser of two evils.
My finest moment came when I pulled the car over somewhere around Summer Hill railway station and spewed into a bucket within the confines of my lovely car. Sorry to any innocent bystanders en route home from work via the station but I had no choice in the matter. Thankfully though the spew storm is over and even though it was not a laughing matter I did laugh every time my beloved spewed because I'm sure they heard him on the moon. So next time I want to lose 2kg really fast I think I might opt for something more traditional like a shake at breakfast, a shake at lunchtime and the shake of my choice for dinner. In the meantime my tip of the week is "never ever eat sardines in tomato sauce before embarking on a spew fest" Enough said....


Chris said...

Have you tracked down the culprit?

jodiecoyote said...

I think it may have been off ham - suffice to say there is now no food left in our fridge.

australianrozie said...

Oh dear. Get well soon guys.
If you'd like to read more about food poisoning around the world, check out barf blog -

Chris said...