Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Universe Looks Down On Me Again - Or Why I Love Hippies!!!

Yesterday whilst perusing the shops for a birthday present for Muffy with whom's party I attended last night, I stopped to have a "la de da" Taro milk tea, no pearl because who knows what they fuck they are, but I digress. I sat down on a seat in the shops and began enjoying my wank fest, when. About two minutes after i sat down a woman approached me begging for money. Normally i might feel inclined to help a poor unfortunate but on this occasion I was just annoyed at the intrusion. I have a baby, I work and I was enjoying my first real taste of money for 18 months. So I said "no I could not help" and proceeded to get up in haste and leave because I was in a vulnerable position which meant she could lean over me and continue to beg. I then headed for Priceline to wander the shelves of 4711 fragrance heaven. When I had made my cheap mascara choice and sprayed at least 7 different nasty perfumes onto each wrist until I smelt like what I assume a big brother contestant might smell like I headed for the counter. Upon opening my handbag my wallet was gone. Strangely I didn't panic. I just stood there calculating how it could be gone and what I was going to do next. I apologized to the counter clerk and sped off to try and find what had happened to it. My first port of call the juice bar, I approached and was told no wallet had been found. I then headed for the seat where I had last been. As I got closer a hippie couple were sitting on the seat, they asked me if I had lost a wallet. I said I had and they proceeded to hand it straight over to me. It was amazing because they told me they had seen it and sat down and waited for my return. I thanked them profusely and offered them money, a coffee or a dodgy pearl iced tea of their choice but they declined and waved me goodbye, no doubt the pungent smell of me was enough to see them take off as quickly as they could. I would love to say I never forget my wallet or lose my keys or lock myself out of my car but if you know me then you are aware I am nothing short of Magoo on crack when it comes to these things. The best part is this is not the first time this has happened, in fact I lost my wallet in the same shopping centre at Chrsitmas time and got it straight back. I do believe since I had just come from my volunteer job at 2RPH and the fact I have always given any wallet or handbag I have ever found bag back to its owner may be keeping me in good sted with the universe, and after yesterday I think I am right.

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