Thursday, September 18, 2008

Could Nana Be Dead?

Last week at my University course I sat down next to the boy I had originally sat with in the first class, James Bond. Actually his name is James but I always link a person's name to a well known name so I don't forget them. Hence the Bond part. Anyway upon sitting down he had obviously surveyed the room for who was still in attendance a week later and who had already fallen by the way side. On the first week it was hard not to notice a woman who was clearly over 75 in the front row. Her reason for being in the course was to learn more about literature. In any case James Bond noted on our second session she was not there, and said to me "Maybe she died". This week to somewhat confirm our suspicions when she did not appear. I chose not to sit with James Bond this week because I wanted to circulate myself a little and not appear to be frightened of the other students. Which is actually true, I am scared but I refuse to give in to my 10 year old shy self. So alas I did not get to confer with James Bond as to his theory of Nana being dead. So whilst I am meant to be focusing on David Malouf's Imaginary Life I am wondering, Is Nana Dead? Stay Tuned Boppers, till next week.

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