Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Coyote On High School Reunion's

Last week my friend Adrian told me about going to his twenty year High School Reunion which he attended the other week. I was impressed that he was not at all concerned about what other ex-school friends thought of him now that he was all grown up. I was equally impressed that he said he found the gathering to be very uplifting and really exceeded his expectations of how the past can be left behind and new friendships can be formed in the most unlikely quarters. So the conversation got my mind working in overdrive. What if I were asked to attend my high school reunion.? Would I go? It poses an interesting conundrum since I only need to roll over in bed and, bang! high school reunion. So supposing the situation outside of the four walls of my bedroom did eventuate and I had to make the very real decision of whether to go or stay away which would I choose?. So on Sunday evening whilst having dinner for the second time with a friend from high school that I recently reconnected with since leaving school I posed the what if there is a reunion question to him. His response was that he had already attended a reunion for his form and it all went as he had expected it to. The interesting twist that he filed in my brain under, "mental note to self upon not attending a school reunion", was that for anyone who didn't attend then the rumour of what they "thought" became of that person was left to run rife. Of course being a one woman PR machine I figured I could potentially cover the dilemma of the rife rumour with a bullshit story that I had been eaten by the ghost of Leigh Bowry at an underground party in London and regurgitated as a fucked up journo that carnt even spell. But would I want that to be my legacy, a potentially dodgy rumour that would no doubt be lost in translation as was my entire high school career. So if and when the occasion should arise I will have to rethink the whole thing and for that reason my mind wanders to my wonder boy PK (see previous post) in school uniform and days when life was a lot more emotionally complicated than it is now, believe it or not.

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