Thursday, April 30, 2009

David Bowie

A few nights ago I dreamed of having a long conversation with David Bowie. I can't exactly recall all of what we talked about but I do remember Bowie commenting that I really should go to Hurstville Library and borrow "Christiane F" and re-read it. For those of you not in the know here is the link to find out what I am referring to;
I got onto the book in my teenage years as a direct result of Bowie's appearance in the film adaption of the book. I also have a copy of the German version of Hero's as I loved it so much.
The film and book frankly made me what to whack up heroin rather than avoid that lifestyle. It didn't exactly glamorise a heroin lifestyle, rather, it opened my eyes to the fact that despite what nay Sayer's say, frankly drugs feel fucking great at the time. A bit like everything, it always seems like a great idea at the time till it isn't anymore. I love David Bowie, frankly what self professing freak doesn't. Who, as a freak, can resist a man who fell to earth, reinvented himself as an alien from outer space who gets famous and then has to kill himself off because he gets to full of his own self importance. How fucken fabulous huh?. Of course my favorite Ziggy line is "well hung and snow white tan". Oh how I picture Bowie naked in this line, pervert that I am.
So David Bowie you are still a legend and no matter what drivel you come up with I will always love it, even if you have not had a hit in centuries - neither did the Ramones and now it seems every kid who thinks they are cool sports a fucken Ramones teeshirt for some odd reason. This is a slight tangent but I sometimes want to go up to them ask them to sing "Pet Cemetery" in full just to see if they know who the fuck the Ramones were or if its just a "I'm so fucking alternative" status symbol - On this subject "FCUK" anyone? Good fucken lord those tee shirts make me cross, its simple just write FUCK on your tee shirt and get it over and done with. Don't be cryptic just wear it proudly FUCK OFF YOU WHITE MIDDLE CLASS WANKER. Okies rant over back to Bowie story.
I went and saw Bowie the last time he was in Sydney, he was fantastic of course. I also waited outside the Entertainment Centre like a dork with about a coup la a hundred other devotee's to catch a glimpse of Bowie as he left the concert.
Before the man himself appeared a lone cameraman and interviewer came out and told us he was videoing for the Bowie concert DVD and he then started interviewing some people waiting. He of course came up to Glenn and I who were waiting at the fence and asked what we thought of the show. Glenn, who was thinking quick and of course funny said "Well we are annoyed he didn't play his big hit "I want my MTV". The interviewer looked at us strangely and then, understanding where Glenn was going with this, I said "Umm yeah Sting was great but we really wanted to hear that song" The Interviewer started to laugh and somehow we managed not to and Glenn then said that he was a huge fan of Sting and wanted to send him a cheerio and thanks for the memories, which he then proceeded to do down the camera lense. It was comic genius. Everyone of course around us including the cameraman and interviewer were pissing themselves. It was funny as far as we were concerned and we laughed about our antics for sometime afterwards. Who knows if Bowie saw it. Doubtful since he would have been too busy climbing into his oxygen chamber to return to another planet.


Chris said...

Very funny! Loved it. FCUK is a brand, French Connection UK. It's modern commercialised subversion. There's a word for that which escapes me...

Anonymous said...

While off subject on T-shirts!!!
What ever happened to the good old "Shark attack" T-shirt.
Not to mention the Imperial Sun with Japanese writing - Go the 80's.
Other great shirts -
Choose Life
Hyper-Colour Sorry COLOR it was american.

Also if the bastard who stole my JJJ exploding head t-shirt off the clothes line at PARRA is reading this - I Hate you!!!

I miss the days when you had to go to the concert to get a T.