Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Addition To My Resume!

The other day whilst going through the ten items or less aisle in the grocery store I had my hands full and couldn't go through my favorite self serve check out. I got to talking to the Gen Y behind the counter. I told her I loved the self service check out even though it could possibly be the demise of the 'check out chick' forever. The Gen Y assured me this would never be the case and I assured her this was a good thing on many levels not least the fact that a job is always a good thing when you are short on cash and young. Gen Y then suggested that if I love doing the self serve check out that I should list this as a skill on my resume. So there you have it I can now add, 'cashier' to my many talents even without an employer it doesn't appear to matter. I of course was hesitant to ask if this is how she had obtained her current employment, I have had enough run in's with Gen Y this year best to leave it up to my own burgeoning imagination.

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