Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"It's Not About Who You Are Now Darling! Its About Who You Once Were!"

Oh yes these are the words that are ringing in thine ears at the moment. "Its not about who you are now Darling, Its about who you once were". Yes that is so true, so very true. So this afternoon and well into the early evening I spent reminiscing with the lovely Vittorio of the Piccolo Bar something I haven't done in a long time, he loves to chat as much as I do and if it not for the fact that we are getting older and the darkness was looming we probably would have talked all night, which is something I "used" to do with Vittorio, talk to him at 4am after I had finished work. So today we talked and talked and talked but in the end that is all it was just talk and as Vittorio so rightly pointed out it was all "bullshit" and don't I know how to do that, in spades. I used to feel relevant to the times, like I knew what was in and what was cool and underground, now of course I sometimes feel like I have been dropped into another era and I want the merry go round to drop me off please. I believe I am futuristic in my believes but I believe that I also truly value the past and who paved the streets with gold and as we both pointed out Lady Ga Ga would not know Lindsay Kemp if he walked up and did a Poiret in front of the poor girl thus proving Gen Y's intolerance of the past. So I don't want to be too down on the younger ones but we certainly did have some fabulous times and walking along the clean sterile streets of a town which I used to call my own was difficult, it was too clean, too perfect and I felt really irrelevant. I used to say Sydney don't go changin but sometimes I feel like an Englishman in New York literally in my own town, you know "I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien" Well perhaps the lame old Sting was onto something. Thankfully after feeling this wistful about my home town I then drove past the Enmore and Blondie and The Pretenders were playing, now if ever there were a truer line spoken tonight it is "Its not about who you are now darling, its about who you once were" so Vittorio perhaps we are relevant still because nor a more profound sentence could be uttered with those two treading the boards even if it were written in Lady Ga Ga's blood. So perhaps there is still old school relevance but don't bother trying to buy a pair of old school Dr. Marten's lace up black shoes with yellow stitching because this town no longer sells them, anywhere!. So London I will be back baby because and soon because Dr. Marten's are possibly still the one thing that unites us, or maybe not!........

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