Saturday, November 7, 2009

3am - Eternal

Oh yes those crazy dreams keep a comin - Last night I found myself in charge of a rather large factory cafeteria. The fact that I have never worked in either a factory nor a cafeteria seemed to matter little to my over dreaming brain. Strangely as with the recent dreaming patterns it made no sense what so ever but what made me laugh at the usual 3am when I woke up was the fact I remembered that I was being instructed to try and work out prices for the meals as the cafeteria was a "subsidised" cafeteria for the staff. Meaning they get the food cheap. My main concern during the dream was serving the potato mash via an ice cream scoop which I always think is rather 1970 local RSL but simply screams "cheap". I don't know how my debut into the world of catering actually went but suffice to say I hope I don't find myself in that position in the future. I mean what would I do the dilemma would always be "should I use real potato or fake Deb/Potato whip" - God the choices the choices.
Oh and if you do find yourself awake at 3am - please remember to sing this song - I certainly do.

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